Wednesday, January 31, 2018


WATER.....   You should start thinking about this right now. Storing some is an option. But know this, 6 months to a year is probably a maximum shelf life for stored water. Containers, temperature, and original source will affect this. I think it is a good idea to have at least some stored. You are going to need water the first day and everyday thereafter. Dehydration sets in faster than you think, and can cause a lot of problems.
   I live in a semi-arid region of West Texas. Ranching country. So there are some windmills with large water tubs for livestock. Windmills are being phased out and replaced with solar pumps. These tubs are an option. ( land owners approve ? ). There is a creek about 6 miles north of me with a gravel road going to it ( public access ). I have prepped 12 volt transfer pumps, hand pumps, and several 250 gallon containers on a trailer to transport. One family member lives about 1 block from me. They have a electric water well. In this area, underground water is safe to drink. I have EMP hardened the well house the best I can and leave the pump disconnected from public commercial source. I have 3 generators for power outages, ( we will talk more about power sources later). 
   There are a lot of ways to sanitize your water. I caution you, be VERY careful with your water. Contaminated water can make you very, very sick. Remember health care might be almost non-existent . Waterborne diseases are caused by drinking contaminated or dirty water. Contaminated water can cause many types of  diseases, including Cholera, Guinea worm disease, Typhoid, and Dysentery. Water related diseases cause 3.4 million deaths each year ( imagine a SHTF scenario ). Also Cryptosporidium infection (cryptosporidiosis) is an illness caused by tiny, one-celled cryptosporidium parasites. When cryptosporidia (krip-toe-spoe-RID-e-uh) enter your body, they travel to your small intestine and then burrow into the walls of your intestines. Later, cryptosporidia are shed in your feces. Crypto can come from runoff water. Dirt tanks and streams ( like the one near me ), and rivers. I have a Berkey filter but there are a lot of filters out there. Do your homework. Still the safest way to be sure you have safe water to drink is to boil it. I know this uses your fuel, but better to be safe. Luckily I have an endless supply of mesquite wood available. 
   Take a good look at your situation and options. Form a plan and implement it now. 

God Bless.


1 comment:

  1. Mr Pedro is absolutely incredible. He’s been so responsive, so patient & honest, and just wonderful at his job as a loan officer. I will buy every future house with him if I ever move to DC. He’s just the absolute best.”
    I will recommend anyone here looking for a loan to contact a loan officer Pedro on Email...
